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TOPEKA — Chief Justice Lawton Nuss wants to get the message to all Kansans that even if state offices close or operate with reduced staff beginning Monday, all state courts will nevertheless be open — staffed and conducting business as usual.

"With all the news stories about the state government budget and the possibility of thousands of state employees being furloughed, I don't want any Kansans to be confused about their courts," Nuss said. "It might be easy for someone to conclude that the courts are also closed and to miss an important hearing or notice to appear for jury duty."

The reason Nuss knows all courts will be open is because the judicial branch budget was in House Bill 2005, which was separate from the budget legislation that applies to all other state government.

"As of last Monday, the House and Senate had reached agreement on House Bill 2005. And yesterday afternoon the governor signed it." Nuss said. "Within minutes we notified all state courts in our 105 counties that we will now be able to continue to provide uninterrupted service to nearly 3 million Kansans. Today I simply want to ensure that as many Kansans as possible get that same news."

State courts in the judicial branch of government include the Supreme Court, Court of Appeals, and district courts in every county statewide.

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