The Kansas Supreme Court accepted public comment on proposed amendments to Supreme Court Rule 110: CASA Volunteers and Programs.
The proposed amendments will align Kansas with requirements set out by the National CASA/GAL Association for Children, including that CASA volunteers be at least 21 years old. Proposed amendments also reflect current practices that standards for Kansas CASA programs are adopted by the Kansas Supreme Court and statistical data are submitted to the Office of Judicial Administration.
Comment closed July 15, 2022.
The Kansas Supreme Court accepted public comment on amendments to its Standards for Kansas Court Appointed Special Advocate Programs.
The amendments to the standards will reflect current requirements from the National CASA/GAL Association for Children, increase minimum requirements for volunteer management, clarify procedures for program oversight, and match current practices.
Comment closed July 31, 2022.
The Kansas Supreme Court accepted public comment on amendments to its Standards for Kansas Citizen Review Board Programs.
The amendments align with current processes, increase minimum requirements for volunteer management, and clarify procedures for program oversight.
Comment closed on July 31, 2022.
The Kansas Supreme Court accepted public comment on changes to Rule 3.10 of the Kansas Code of Judicial Conduct to clarify that a judge or court staff does not violate Rule 3.10 by supervising a research attorney working for the Kansas Judicial Branch under a legal intern permit or a temporary permit to practice law. The proposed changes are shown using strike-through for deletion and underlining for new language.
Comment closed on October 11, 2022.
The Kansas Supreme Court accepted public comment proposed changes to Rule 3.15 of the Kansas Code of Judicial Conduct to clarify that the Commission on Judicial Conduct reviews the annual report form that is approved by the Court and provided annually to Kansas judges. The remaining amendments provide clarity to the rule. The proposed changes are shown using strike-through for deletion and underlining for new language.
Comment closed October 11, 2022.
The Kansas Supreme Court accepted public comment on proposed amendments to:
The amendments are related to ongoing administrative restructuring within the Kansas judicial branch to achieve operational and organizational efficiencies. The changes will not affect the excellent level of service members of the bar have come to expect.
Generally, these rules have been restyled and retooled to align with other Supreme Court Rules.
Additional amendments:
combine the annual continuing legal education fee with the annual attorney registration fee so attorneys are able to make one payment instead of two;
move provisions related to the Kansas Continuing Legal Education Board to its own rule;
delete prior version of Rule 808: Fees; and
provide proper cross-references between Rules 800-811 and Rule 206.
Comment closed noon Thursday, March 4, 2021.
The Kansas Supreme Court is accepted public comment on proposed amendments to Supreme Court Rule 23(c). Rule 23(c) provides the reasons a clerk may return documents filed in the Kansas Court eFiling system.
Comment closed on June 30, 2023.
The Kansas Supreme Court accepted public comment on proposed changes to rules 708: Eligibility; 719: Admission to the Bar by Reciprocity; and 707: Application Processing Fees.
The proposed change to Rule 707 is a conforming change that removes a reference to reciprocity in the rule that establishes application fees.
Comments closed on August 10, 2023.
The Supreme Court accepted public comment on proposed updates to Kansas Child Support Guidelines.
The proposed updates could increase child support obligations by almost 9% across all income groups beginning January 2024.
Comment closed October 29, 2023.
Read the news release.
Proposed amendments to Supreme Court Rule 107
The Supreme Court accepted public comment until July 17, 2024, on proposed amendments to Rule 107: Duties and Powers of Chief Judge.
Generally, the rule is restyled to align with other Supreme Court rules, as well as to reflect current practices. Inaddition, amendments:
specify that only a district judge can be appointed chief judge;
require the chief judge, or the chief judge’s designee, to consider guidelines issued by the Office of Judicial Administration when assigning court reporters;
revise the vacation planning section to ensure adequate coverage of the court’s caseload and the prompt discharge of the judge’s adjudicative and administrative responsibilities;
clarify that a judge must accept assignment of a case unless the judge is disqualified under Kansas law or the Code of Judicial Conduct, or the interests of justice require the judge’s recusal; and
revise the deadline by which the chief judge must send to the Office of Judicial Administrative a second copy of the court’s budget.
The Kansas Supreme Court accepted public comment on proposed amendments to Supreme Court Rule 712B.
Comment closed August 9, 2020.
The Kansas Supreme Court accepted public comment on a proposed amendment to Rule 106: Court Records. The amended rule would add subsection (e) regarding accessibility of child in need of care court records. The new subsection would make all records in a child in need of care case confidential and not publicly available, including the events index. This will allow the child’s complete name to be used throughout the court record without disclosing it to the public.
Comment closed September 17.
The Kansas Supreme Court accepted public comment on proposed Rules 200 through 240: Rules Relating to Discipline of Attorneys.
Proposed changes to Rules Relating to Discipline of Attorneys are extensive and amount to an overhaul of the existing rules, so the changes are not marked with underlining for new text or strikeout for deleted text.
The proposed changes also move the Kansas Rules of Professional Conduct from Rule 226 to Rule 240. There are no changes to the Kansas Rules of Professional Conduct other than to move them to Rule 240, so the text is not included for public comment.
Comment closed at noon Tuesday, November 10, 2020.
The Kansas Supreme Court accepted public comment on proposed Rule 1705: Kansas Judicial Branch Court Interpreter. Among other provisions, the rule included a requirement that foreign language court interpreters complete the free online Kansas Judicial Branch Court Interpreter Orientation before providing an interpretation or translation service in a district court, except in the case of an emergency as determined by a judge.
Comment closed October 30, 2020.
The Kansas Supreme Court accepted public comment on a proposed amendment to Supreme Court Rule 7.043: Reference to Certain Persons.
The amendment clarifies how minors are to be referenced in all appellate cases.
Comment closed December 16, 2020.
The Kansas Supreme Court accepted public comment on proposed amendments to Rules 501 and 502: Rules Relating to Required Continuing Judicial Education.
Proposed changes fall into two categories:
amendments that will permit part-time judges who serve in the Kansas Legislature to receive a reduction in the number of required general continuing judicial education hours; and
amendments that clarify and restyle the rules.
Comment closed December 21, 2020.
The Kansas Supreme Court accepted public comment on proposed Supreme Court Rule 191: Specialty Court Committee. The new rule would create a permanent specialty court committee to make recommendations regarding the development and administration of specialty courts in Kansas district courts.
Comment ended Monday, January 4, 2021.
The Kansas Supreme Court accepted public comment on a proposed amendment to Supreme Court Rule 233: Kansas Lawyers Assistance Program (formerly Rule 206).
Generally, the rule has been restyled and retooled to align with other Supreme Court Rules. Additional amendments clarify processes and reflect existing practices not presently in the rule, such as the process for the KALAP Foundation.
Comment ended noon February 15, 2021.
The Kansas Supreme Court accepted public comment on proposed amendments to Rules 800-811: Rules Relating to Continuing Legal Education.
The amendments are related to ongoing administrative restructuring within the Kansas judicial branch to achieve operational and organizational efficiencies. The changes will not affect the excellent level of service members of the bar have come to expect.
Amendments to Rule 800-811 are shown using strikethrough for deletion and underlining for new language. Generally, these rules have been restyled and retooled to align with other Supreme Court Rules.
Additional amendments:
revise the categories of programs to make all CLE programs either a prerecorded program, an in-house live program, or a live program;
revise the approval process to reflect the changes to the types of CLE programs, including when an application for approval of a CLE program must be submitted;
create a new Rule 806 to deal with post-approval requirements, including attendance reporting; and
delete the prerecorded program limitation.
Comment closed noon Tuesday, May 11, 2021.
The Kansas Supreme Court accepted public comment on amendments to Supreme Court Rule 110B: Rules Relating to District Courts, which will be renumbered to become Rule 1802.
Rule 110B requires court services officers (CSOs) to administer the Level of Service Inventory-Revised (LSI-R), an assessment tool used to determine the risk and needs of an adult placed on probation.
Pursuant to K.S.A. 75-5291, the Kansas Sentencing Commission has selected two new risk and needs assessments to be used starting July 1, 2021—the Level of Service Case Management Inventory for males and the Women’s Risk Needs Assessment for females.
Additionally, amendments to the rule include language regarding risk and needs assessment for juvenile offenders.
Comment ended 5 p.m. Friday, June 4, 2021.
The Kansas Supreme Court accepted public comment on amendments to Supreme Court Rule 712B (which will be renumbered Rule 1404) until August 30, 2021. .
The Kansas Supreme Court accepted public comment on proposed amendments to Rules 700 through 726: Rules Relating to Admission of Attorneys.
The Kansas Supreme Court accepted public comment on proposed Rule 6.5: Limited Legal Services Through a Nonprofit or Court Program until October 22, 2021.
The Kansas Supreme Court accepted public comment on amendments to Supreme Court Rule 174: Forms Required in a Child in Need of Care Proceeding.
Rule 174 requires certain Kansas Judicial Council forms be used when entering orders in child in need of care cases. Proposed amendments expand the number of forms required to include orders issued in adjudication, disposition, termination of parental rights, and Indian Child Welfare Act proceedings. The amendments would also require certain forms be used when ruling on a child’s placement in a qualified residential treatment program or on requested review of a child’s change of placement.
Comment closed October 28, 2021.
The Kansas Supreme Court accepted public comments on the following amendments until Nov 10, 2021:
- multiple Rules Relating to Discipline of Attorneys;
- Kansas Rules of Professional Conduct 1.7, 1.8, and 3.1; and
- the Rule Relating to the Lawyers' Fund for Client Protection.
The list of rules affected by these amendments include 208, 215, 223, 224, 228, 230, 232, 234, 235, 237, 240, and 241.
The Kansas Supreme Court accepted public comment on proposed Rule 122A: Expanded Access to Electronic Filing.
The proposed rule will expand access to the Kansas Courts eFiling system. If adopted, the rule would permit certain nonlawyer, external stakeholders to use Kansas Courts eFiling if the district court is not operating under the Kansas eCourt centralized case management system. Once the district is operating under the Kansas eCourt centralized case management system, using Kansas Courts eFiling would be required.
Comment closed November 30, 2021.
The Kansas Supreme Court accepted public comment on proposed amendments to Rule 206:
Attorney Registration and Rules 800-811: Rules Relating to Continuing Legal Education.
Generally, the court restyled and retooled the rules to align with other Supreme Court rules. Amendments are shown using strikethrough for deletion and underlining for new language.
Amendments to Rule 206 include:
Amendments to Rule 800-811 include:
Rule 805(a)(2) and Rule 805(c)(6). Removes the distinction between an in-house CLE program and any other live program.
Rule 806 (a)(1)(A). Allows providers to report live in-person attendance electronically.
Rule 809 and Rule 810. Clarifies the noncompliance and suspension process and revises language to match the electronic notice provisions in Rule 206.
Comment ended Monday, June 6, 2022.
The Kansas Supreme Court accepted public comment on proposed Rule 160: Broadcasting or Recording a Court Proceeding for Public Access in Rules Relating to District Courts.
The proposed rule permits district courts to broadcast or record a live court proceeding; provides guidance related to the broadcast or recording; and, assigns responsibilities regarding the preservation of protected attorney-client communications.
Comment closed April 8, 2023.
The Kansas Supreme Court accepted public comment on amendments to Rule 501: Required Continuing Judicial Education Appellate and District Judges.
Amendments to the rule will change the compliance period for continuing judicial education from January 1 to December 30 to July 1 to June 30. The amendments will also eliminate the limitation on nontraditional judicial education.
Comment closed on Thursday, June 1, 2023.