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TOPEKA—Danielle Hall, executive director of the Kansas Lawyers Assistance Program, was awarded the 2023 Carol Foreman Medal of Civility by the Kansas Women Attorneys Association.

“I was both wonderfully surprised and grateful to receive the Carol Foreman Medal of Civility,” Hall said.  “To be seen by my colleagues, judges, and the Kansas Women Attorneys Association as someone who exhibits everything this award represents and stands for is such an honor.”

Hall was nominated for the award by Chief Justice Marla Luckert; Stephanie Smith, judicial administrator; Ashley Jarmer, former general counsel to the chief justice; and Jen Cocking, vice president and assistant general counsel at Capitol Federal.

In their nomination letter, they explained what made Hall a worthy recipient of the award.

“She unequivocally serves as an example of dignity and honor in the legal profession,” they wrote. “Beyond that, she teaches these skills to others daily through her work at the Kansas Lawyers Assistance Program, her many presentations, and her publication, teaching, and association efforts.”

Hall said receiving the award was an honor.

“I never got the opportunity to meet Carol Foreman, but the wonderful things I heard about her and her contributions to the profession filled me with so much gratitude to be recognized with this honor,” Hall said.

The Carol Foreman Medal of Civility recognizes an individual who is a practicing lawyer or judge in Kansas. The recipient must have consistently carried out their professional duties as a lawyer or judge with civility, ethics, and respect for others at all times, such that the individual serves as an example of dignity and honor to the legal profession.

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