May 2008 News Releases

New 2nd Judicial District judge vacancy
TOPEKA—A nominating commission charged with naming candidates to fill a district judge vacancy in the 2nd Judicial District has issued a request for assistance from the public.    The 2nd Judicial District includes the counties of Jackson, Jefferson, Pottawatomie, and Wabaunsee Counties.The nine-member commission is responsible ...
New 29th Judicial District chief judge appointed
TOPEKA—The Supreme Court today announced the appointment of Wyandotte County District Judge R. Wayne Lampson as the new chief judge of that district’s 16-member bench.He is succeeding Hon. Philip R. Sieve, who is retiring effective May 30, 2008. The successor to fill Judge Sieve’s district court judge position has not yet been ...
Nominees sought for Shawnee County judgeship vacancy
TOPEKA—A nominating commission charged with naming candidates to fill a district judge vacancy in Shawnee County District Court has issued a request for assistance from the public.  The seven-member commission is responsible for submitting the names of two or three nominees to the Governor for the vacancy which will be created when ...