June 2014 News Releases

Nominating commission seeks candidates for judge vacancy in 4th Judicial District
TOPEKA—The 4th Judicial District Nominating Commission is seeking candidates to fill a judge vacancy in the 4th Judicial District, which includes Anderson, Coffey, Franklin and Osage counties.The vacancy was created by the retirement of District Court Judge Thomas H. Sachse. Justice Eric Rosen, the Supreme Court departmental justice ...
Nominating commission seeks candidates for magistrate judge vacancy in 6th Judicial District
TOPEKA—The 6th Judicial District Nominating Commission is seeking candidates to fill a magistrate judge vacancy in the 6th Judicial District, sitting in Bourbon County. Justice Lee Johnson, the Supreme Court departmental justice responsible for the 6th Judicial District, said nominees can apply or be recommended, but recommendations must come ...
Topeka attorney Don Patterson to be honored guest at judicial conference
TOPEKA — Retired Topeka attorney and World War II veteran Don Patterson will be an honored guest at the Kansas Judicial Conference June 12 in Topeka.Patterson will join nearly 300 of the state’s justices, judges, magistrate judges, and senior and retired judges, to hear speakers from the United State Holocaust Museum present “Law, ...
Kansas judges and justices examine role of German judiciary in Holocaust
TOPEKA — Speakers from the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum will deliver the educational program “Law, Justice, and the Holocaust” to nearly 300 judges and justices from Kansas’ appellate and district courts at the Kansas Judicial Conference June 12 in Topeka.The conference is for the state’s justices, judges ...
Kansas Court of Appeals to hear oral arguments June 17 in Hays
TOPEKA—A three-judge panel of the Kansas Court of Appeals will hear oral arguments Tuesday, June 17, at the Ellis County Courthouse, 1204 Fort Street, Hays.Judge Kim R. Schroeder will be the presiding judge for the panel that also includes Judge Patrick D. McAnany and Senior Judge Edward Larson.Larson, of Hays, was a justice on the Kansas ...
Despite quiet departure, retiring appellate court clerk leaves lasting legacy
TOPEKA -- Although Carol Gilliam Green doesn’t want a big fuss made over her June 6 retirement from her job as clerk of the appellate courts, she can’t deny the lasting impact she’s had on the clerk’s office and the legal community from her nearly 23 years in the position.Lawton Nuss, chief justice of the Kansas Supreme ...