TOPEKA—After serving 26 years on the bench in Johnson County District Court, Judge Gerald T. Elliott will retire when his current term ends in January 2017.
In Kansas, district judges must retire at age 75, or by the end of the term in which they reach age 75.
"It is an honor and a privilege to serve the public as a district court judge," Elliott said. "I have thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity and have endeavored to provide the fundamental fairness and trust the public expects and the judicial system requires. It has been my pleasure to work with outstanding judges, highly skilled and motivated court staff, and excellent lawyers while serving Johnson County."
Elliott has served on the courts of all levels in the state. He has been a district court judge in Johnson County since 1990. During that service he was also designated to hear cases with the Court of Appeals and the Supreme Court. Before that, he was a Merriam Municipal Court judge for 18 years. He also served as a city prosecutor for Mission Hills, as a judge pro tem in the Johnson County District Court, and had a private law practice.
Elliott aspired to become a judge to be able to decide cases the right way for the right reason and he hopes that he has done so.
"My judicial career, however, would not have happened, and would not have continued, without a supremely supportive wife and family", said Elliott.
After Elliott graduated from the University of Kansas School of Law in 1964, and before he entered private practice, he worked as a law clerk for federal district court Judge Arthur J. Stanley Jr.
During his time on the bench, he also served in professional organizations. He was president of the American Judges Association and a member of the board of directors of National Center for State courts.
In retirement, Elliott plans to explore the Flint Hills, the Sand Hills, the Gypsum Hills, and everywhere between and beyond across Kansas. He would also like to take in the arts, monuments, and natural wonders of our nation.