May 2017 News Releases

12th Judicial District Nominating Commission to interview candidates for district magistrate judge
TOPEKA—The 12th Judicial District Nominating Commission will convene June 16 in the Jewell County District Court courthouse to interview candidates to fill a district magistrate judge position in Jewell County.The courthouse is located at 307 N Commercial in Mankato. Interviews are open to the public and they will begin at a time to be ...
Executive director of Kansas Lawyers Assistance Program to receive Topeka group’s award
TOPEKA—Anne McDonald, whose 37-year career has spanned the legal system, is this year's recipient of the Justice Kay McFarland Award presented by the Women Attorneys Association of Topeka.McDonald will be presented the award at the organization's Just Desserts fundraiser on June 1.McDonald is executive director of the Kansas Lawyers ...
New member appointed to Kansas Board of Law Examiners
TOPEKA—Patrick B. Hughes, a Wichita attorney, has been named to a five-year term on the Kansas Board of Law Examiners by the Kansas Supreme Court.He will succeed Kevin F. Mitchelson, whose term expires June 30.Hughes will serve July 1 through June 30, 2022. He is an attorney with Adams Jones Law Firm PA of Wichita. He earned a law degree in ...
3rd Judicial District Nominating Commission seeks candidates to fill district judge vacancy
TOPEKA—The 3rd Judicial District Nominating Commission is seeking candidates to fill a district judge vacancy created by the June 19 retirement of Judge Rebecca Crotty.The 3rd judicial district is a one-county district composed of Shawnee County.Justice Marla J. Luckert, the Supreme Court departmental justice responsible for the 3rd judicial ...
11th Judicial District Nominating Commission seeks nominees to fill judge vacancy
TOPEKA—The 11th Judicial District Nominating Commission is seeking nominees to fill a district judge vacancy in Labette County created by the July 14, 2017, retirement of Judge Robert Fleming.The 11th judicial district is composed of Cherokee, Crawford, and Labette counties.Candidates for district judge must be a lawyer admitted to practice ...
District Judge Rebecca Crotty to retire
TOPEKA – District Judge Rebecca Crotty will retire June 19 after serving seven years on the bench.Judge Crotty was appointed in 2010 to Division 1 of the 3rd Judicial District, which is composed of Shawnee County. She previously served as chief judge of the Kansas Court of Tax Appeals and as a district magistrate judge in Finney County. She ...
District Magistrate Judge Sheila Hochhauser to retire
MANHATTAN – District Magistrate Judge Sheila P. Hochhauser will retire Aug. 11 after nearly 20 years of public service in Kansas.Judge Hochhauser has been a magistrate judge in Riley County, in the 21st Judicial District of Kansas, since 2007. She previously served eight years in the Kansas House of Representatives and taught business law for ...
Jenifer Ashford named magistrate judge in Johnson County
TOPEKA—The 10th Judicial District Nominating Commission has selected Jenifer Ashford to fill a magistrate judge vacancy created by the May 2017 retirement of Judge Michael H. Farley.The 10th judicial district is composed of Johnson County.The commission conducted public interviews of applicants for the position Monday, May 8, in Johnson ...
12th Judicial District Nominating Commission seeks nominees for magistrate judge vacancy
TOPEKA—The 12th Judicial District Nominating Commission is seeking nominees to fill a district magistrate judge vacancy sitting in Jewell County, although the incumbent may be given assignments anywhere in the district.     The 12th judicial district includes Cloud, Jewell, Lincoln, Mitchell, Republic and Washington counties ...