May 2018 News Releases

Judge Richard Walker appointed to Kansas Guardianship Program board
TOPEKA—The Kansas Supreme Court appointed Senior Judge Richard Walker to an unexpired term on the board of directors of the Kansas Guardianship Program. His term will run through June 30, 2019.Walker succeeds Judge Frank Yeoman Jr., who retired from the Shawnee County District Court in September.Walker has served as a senior judge for the ...
Leavenworth County judge to retire, accepts senior judge status
TOPEKA—District Judge Gunnar Sundby will retire June 16 after 20 years of service in the 1st Judicial District but will begin serving as a senior judge for the judicial branch.The Kansas Supreme Court appointed Sundby as a senior judge effective June 17.Sundby is a graduate of Washburn University and a 1977 graduate of the Washburn University ...
New member named, three reappointed to Kansas Commission on Judicial Qualifications
TOPEKA—The Kansas Supreme Court appointed Diane Azorsky, Leawood, and reappointed three other members to the Kansas Commission on Judicial Qualifications. Their terms end June 30, 2022.Azorsky is a nonattorney representative on the commission. She is executive director of Gift of Life, Overland Park. She succeeds Valdenia Winn, a nonattorney ...
New chief judge appointed for 25th Judicial District
TOPEKA—Chief Justice Lawton Nuss announced today the Kansas Supreme Court has appointed District Judge Robert Frederick as chief judge of the 25th Judicial District beginning July 1.Frederick will succeed Chief Judge Wendel Wurst, who will continue to serve as a district judge in the 25th Judicial District.The 25th Judicial District is ...
Four individuals appointed to Kansas Sentencing Commission
TOPEKA—The Kansas Supreme Court appointed two new members to the Kansas Sentencing Commission and reappointed two others.Kansas Court of Appeals Judge Stephen Hill and District Judge Benjamin Sexton will serve two-year terms ending June 30, 2020.The court reappointed District Judge Lee Fowler and Chris Mechler of the judicial branch's ...
Two new members appointed to Kansas Continuing Legal Education Commission
TOPEKA—The Kansas Supreme Court appointed two new members to the Kansas Continuing Legal Education Commission and reappointed two others.The commission oversees continuing legal education requirements for lawyers licensed to practice in Kansas. Attorneys must earn a minimum of 12 credit hours each year.Joslyn Kusiak of Independence, Megan ...
University of Kansas School of Law honors Court of Appeals chief judge
TOPEKA—The University of Kansas School of Law honored Chief Judge Karen Arnold-Burger of the Kansas Court of Appeals with its 2018 Distinguished Alumni Award.The law school recognized Arnold-Burger and two other recipients April 7 in Lawrence.The award celebrates graduates for their professional achievements, contributions to the legal field, ...
3rd Judicial District Nominating Commission submits nominees for district judge vacancy in Shawnee County
TOPEKA — The 3rd Judicial District Nominating Commission has sent the names of three nominees for district judge to Gov. Jeff Colyer, who has 60 days to decide who will fill the vacancy created by the July 31 retirement of Judge Joseph Johnson.The 3rd Judicial District is composed of Shawnee County.The commission interviewed 16 nominees May ...
Two reappointed to Judges Assistance Committee
TOPEKA—The Kansas Supreme Court reappointed District Judge Ben Burgess and Municipal Judge Amie Bauer to four-year terms on the Judges Assistance Committee. Their terms will run through June 30, 2022.The Judges Assistance Committee provides help to any Kansas judge in need due to mental or physical disability, or addiction.Burgess, who serves ...
New member appointed, another reappointed to Kansas Board of Law Examiners
TOPEKA–The Kansas Supreme Court appointed Kansas Court of Appeals Judge Melissa Taylor Standridge and attorney Molly Wood to five-year terms on the Kansas Board of Law Examiners.Standridge will succeed Court of Appeals Judge Henry Green Jr., whose term is expiring.The court reappointed Wood, a partner at Stevens & Brand, Lawrence.Both ...
Retired justice reappointed to Judicial Ethics Advisory Panel
TOPEKA—The Kansas Supreme Court reappointed former Justice Edward Larson to a four-year term on the Judicial Ethics Advisory Panel. Larson will serve until June 30, 2022.He was a justice on the Supreme Court from 1995 to 2002 and a senior judge from 2002 to 2014. He served on the Kansas Court of Appeals from 1987 to 1995 and previously was a ...
Lyon County judge appointed to child welfare task force
TOPEKA—The Kansas Supreme Court appointed District Judge Jeffry Larson to the Child Welfare System Task Force. Larson will complete the unexpired term of District Judge Daniel Cahill, who serves in Wyandotte County of the 29th Judicial District.Larson serves in Lyon County of the 5th Judicial District. His term on the task force ends January ...
Lawrence attorney reappointed to Attorney Admissions Review Committee
TOPEKA—The Kansas Supreme Court reappointed Sherri Loveland to a three-year term on the Attorney Admissions Review Committee.Loveland will serve until June 30, 2021. She is an attorney at Stevens & Brand in Lawrence.The committee, composed of three practicing attorneys, reviews applications of individuals seeking to practice law in the ...
Kansas Supreme Court amends court rules to accommodate mandatory electronic filing in all courts effective June 25, 2018
TOPEKA—The Kansas Supreme Court announced today that it has amended two rules to facilitate the requirement that all attorneys must electronically file documents in all state courts effective June 25, 2018.The requirement applies to all Kansas-licensed attorneys who are permitted to practice law under Rule 208(a), and it applies to all case ...
Osage City lawyer selected for district magistrate judge vacancy in Osage County
TOPEKA—The 4th Judicial District Nominating Commission has selected Osage City lawyer Shannon D. Rush to fill a magistrate judge vacancy in Osage County.The commission conducted public interviews of nominees for the position May 9 in Lyndon. Five people had applied for the opening.Rush's new position will be effective upon her swearing-in ...
3rd Judicial District Nominating Commission sets interview schedule for vacancy in Shawnee County
TOPEKA—The 3rd Judicial District Nominating Commission will convene at 9 a.m. Thursday, May 17, in the Shawnee County Courthouse to interview nominees to fill the vacancy created by the July 31 retirement of District Judge Joseph D. Johnson.The 3rd Judicial District is composed of Shawnee County. Interviews are open to the public.The nominees ...
Four reappointed to Kansas Board of Examiners of Court Reporters
TOPEKA—The Kansas Supreme Court reappointed four people to the Kansas Board of Examiners of Court Reporters.The members, who will serve three-year terms that begin July 1, 2018, and end June 30, 2021, are:District Judge Jeffry Jack, who serves in Labette County in the 11th Judicial District.Sheila Lyons, a certified court reporter for the ...