May 2020 News Releases

Chief justice delivers annual State of the Judiciary report to governor, legislators
TOPEKA—Chief Justice Marla Luckert today delivered a written State of the Judiciary report to the governor and the chairs of the House and Senates judiciary committees, as well as to all members of the Kansas Legislature.   In other years, the written report is delivered simultaneous to the chief justice’s formal address to a ...
Kansas Court of Appeals will hear oral arguments by videoconference
TOPEKA—Kansas Court of Appeals judges will hear one appeal by videoconference at 1:30 p.m. Tuesday, June 2. The oral arguments will be livestreamed on YouTube.It is the second time during the pandemic that a Court of Appeals panel will hear oral arguments remotely and livestream them. Another panel heard an appeal in the same manner May 12 ...
Chief justice issues five administrative orders affecting court operations during pandemic
TOPEKA—Chief Justice Marla Luckert has issued five administrative orders to give updated direction to Kansas courts and court users as courts continue to gradually conduct more in-person proceedings and increase the number and types of service delivered to the people of Kansas.“We want people coming into our courthouses and courtrooms ...
Kansas will offer Uniform Bar Exam July 28-29
TOPEKA – Today, after considering the National Conference of Bar Examiners May 5, 2020, announcement that it will make a Uniform Bar Examination available for July, the Kansas Supreme Court affirmed its April, 17, 2020, plan to administer the examination on July 28 and 29.  The deadline to inform Kansas bar admissions administrators of ...
Eight more district courts to process marriage licenses
TOPEKA—Eight more district courts will resume issuing marriage licenses using a process that doesn't require in-person contact.District courts in Barton, Leavenworth, Lyon, Miami, Pawnee, Reno, Saline, and Thomas counties will begin processing new marriage license applications starting Wednesday, May 13.Applicants must call a court to ...
Pandemic response delays expansion of centralized case management system
TOPEKA—The Kansas judicial branch plan to launch a new centralized case management system in six more judicial districts in June is delayed.Statewide orders limiting in-person contact during the COVID-19 pandemic prevented in-person training and data review by district court staff, both of which are needed before the transition to the new ...
10th Judicial District Nominating Commission seeks nominees for district judge vacancy
TOPEKA—The 10th Judicial District Nominating Commission is seeking nominations to fill a district judge vacancy in Johnson County created by District Judge Sara Welch’s July 1 retirement.The 10th Judicial District is composed of Johnson County.Justice Evelyn Wilson, the Supreme Court departmental justice responsible for the 10th ...
Kansas Court of Appeals to hear oral arguments by videoconference
TOPEKA—For the first time in its history, Kansas Court of Appeals judges will appear remotely to hear oral argument by videoconference at 1:30 p.m. Tuesday, May 12. The oral arguments will be livestreamed on YouTube."Kansas courts are committed to delivering timely justice, especially during challenging times such as we are experiencing ...
Chief justice seeking comment on suspension of deadlines
Kansas Supreme Court Chief Justice Marla Luckert is accepting public comment until noon Wednesday, May 20, 2020, on next steps related to current orders suspending deadlines and time limitations in judicial proceedings.AuthorityChief Justice Luckert used authority granted in 2020 House Substitute for Senate Bill 102 (39 Kan. Reg. 304) to suspend ...
10th Judicial District to join statewide centralized case management system
TOPEKA—The Kansas Supreme Court announced today the 10th Judicial District will join the state's other judicial districts and the appellate courts on a new centralized case management system that will transform the way state courts serve the people of Kansas."In the interest of what's best for our state court system and the ...
Kansas Supreme Court appoints Christina Lucas to Municipal Court Clerks Education Committee
TOPEKA—The Kansas Supreme Court appointed Christina Lucas, municipal court administrator for the city of Pittsburg, to fill an unexpired term on the Municipal Court Clerks Education Committee. Lucas will serve until June 30, 2021. Lucas has been the municipal court administrator for the city of Pittsburg since 2015. She previously ...
10th Judicial District Nominating Commission to convene May 7
TOPEKA—The 10th Judicial District Nominating Commission will convene by videoconference at 2 p.m. Thursday, May 7, to discuss the nomination process for selecting a district judge to fill a vacancy created by District Judge Sara Welch’s July 1 retirement.The agenda includes discussing procedural matters and the timeline for accepting ...
Chief justice issues new administrative orders for courts as state plans to reopen
TOPEKA—Chief Justice Marla Luckert today issued six new administrative orders to provide updated direction to state courts and court users as the state slowly reopens following a plan outlined by the governor Thursday evening. “These orders continue some of the strategies put in place at the beginning of this pandemic response and ...