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TOPEKA—The Kansas District Judges Association presented its Award for Judicial Excellence to Senior Judge Merlin Wheeler during a statewide conference for judges.

Wheeler became a senior judge in August when he retired from the 5th Judicial District after 32 years of service. As a senior judge, he works on an as-needed basis in district and appellate courts statewide. His service in the 5th Judicial District, which is composed of Chase and Lyon counties, included 25 years as chief judge.

“Judge Wheeler possesses the legal acumen and judicial demeanor all district judges should strive to exhibit,” said Kim Cudney, chief judge of the 12th Judicial District and past president of the Kansas District Judges Association. “He is well respected by his peers and the legal community for his analytical and well-spoken reasoning.”

As chief judge, Wheeler implemented a child visitation and exchange center, citizens review board, child advocacy center, and multidisciplinary teams. In 2013, he served as the Kansas judiciary delegate to the National Governors Association three-branch initiative on child welfare.   

There are many judges in Kansas who are deserving of this award, and I am most grateful to the Kansas District Judges Association for choosing me among many other worthy recipients for this recognition,” Wheeler said. “I could not have had the career duration or achievements without the unwavering support of my judicial colleagues and staff of the 5th Judicial District and, most importantly, the assistance of my wife, Deborah, and daughter, Kristen Wheeler.”

Wheeler graduated from Dodge City Community College, Emporia State University, and Washburn University School of Law. He is also a Leadership Kansas graduate and has taken additional courses from the National Judicial College. He first worked as a city attorney for the city of Emporia and then went into private practice.

The Kansas District Judges Association Award for Judicial Excellence is presented to a member or former member of the Kansas judiciary who has served with integrity, dignity, and honor and has conscientiously performed their judicial duties to promote and elevate confidence and trust in the judicial branch.

Criteria for the award include:

  • knowledge of the law and appropriate application of it to the issues and cases that come before the court; 

  • considerate and mindful treatment of attorneys, litigants, witnesses, and the general public in daily performance of judicial duties; and

  • reputation and respect among peers, attorneys, litigants, and the general public. 

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